Sports Massage
Sports massage is geared toward athletes of every kind, from the elite to the recreational athlete, world-class professionals to weekend joggers. The particulars of the sports massage technique are specific to the athlete’s sport of choice. Focusing on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive and often aggressive movements.
Regular sports massage aids soft tissue recovery from intense athletic activity. Intense training can cause a prolonged increase in muscle tone in both resting and contractile states. The athlete will often just describe this as ‘muscle tightness’ and this commonly occurs during periods of increased volume and/or intensity of training. Hard training and abnormal muscle tone may impair the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the cells and also slow down the removal of metabolites. The increase in muscle tone can contribute to bio-mechanical imbalances/abnormalities, particularly if the muscle is just tight on one side. Increased tone also limits extensibility and shock absorbency of a muscle and therefore predisposes it to strain.
For anyone participating in regular physical activity, Sports massage every week or month may be a great addition to your normal regimen. It’s best to talk with your manual therapist to find a plan that will work best with your schedule, level of activity and budget.
Reference: Brukner and Khan (2010). Clinical Sports Medicine. Mc Graw Hill. 3rd Ed.