Avenue Clinic

Avenue Clinic

Let Massage help you boost your Immune System this winter

A study, which appeared in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, found that participants receiving regular massage saw measurable improvements to their immune systems in the form of an increase in white blood cells – which are your disease and infection fighters.

There was also evidence of other benefits such as significant decreases in the levels of cortisol – also known as the stress hormone – in their blood. Subjects reported fewer feelings of stress and aggression.

Additionally, researchers detected a sharp drop in proteins called cytokines – which are believed to alter brain chemistry and induce symptoms of depression if left unchecked. Stress and inflammation are the primary building blocks of cancer, diabetes, arthritis and heart disease. Both are reduced with massage – in as little as ten minutes.

For more information or to book an appointment please ring reception or book online.

Vouchers also available for that last minute valentines gift.


"I had heard people talking about how good Avenue Clinic was but the reality was even better. They don’t waste one second of your appointment and get to the heart of the problem quickly. "

Mrs Y (for Osteopathy )

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